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Germany: Bean sprouts source of E. coli

发布时间:2011-06-11  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

German officials have said that the deadly E-coli outbreak sweeping Europe, that has killed 31 people, came from contaminated bean sprouts grown at an organic farm in northern Germany.

Ilse Aigner, German Minister for Agriculture, said, "There were findings made on bean sprouts which belonged to a family who were ill and they are now checking to see if this is the same type of bacteria. This is the one thing. So the bacteria is being confirmed on food, which is a piece of evidence which we have not had until now but it is being checked at the moment."

The German government has come under fire at home and abroad, for failing to pin-point the cause of the outbreak that has stricken some 3-thousand people in 12 countries.

In Germany the death toll from the E-coli epidemic was 31 by Friday. German authorities said the outbreak was still a threat, despite signs that it was slowing, and warned the death toll may rise.

全球公众传媒摘编:GAN JADE

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